Alexander Quessy

Soon to graduate PhD student at the University of Bristol


I am a PhD student at the University of Bristol. Generally, my research focuses on understanding how we can teach autonomous agents to safely make complex decisions under uncertainty. Research on this topic is at the intersection of machine learning specifically reinforcement learning and robotics. My PhD research focused on using unsupervised learning techniques to learn complex, generalizable policies, especially in scenarios where rewards are sparse. This research focused on the guidance, navigation and control problems posed by forced landings of fixed-wing aircraft.

My PhD was supervised by Thomas Richardson and Sebastian East in the Bristol Flight Lab. I also did my undergrad in aerospace engineering at the University of Bristol.

I am also a commercial pilot and flying instructor. Most of my training was with Aeros in Gloucester (EGBJ). During my time at university, I instructed up to commercial and multi-engine instrument with Aeros. I now mainly offer freelance instruction from various airfields around London. I fly and teach aerobatics whenever the opportunity presents.