Make your own environment

The following are steps required to create a new environment!

Set up files

  1. Create a new <my_env>.py file in flyer_env/envs/

  2. Define a class MyEnv, that must inherit AbstractEnv

This class provides several useful functions:

  • A default_config() method, that provides a default configuration dictionary that can be overloaded.

  • A define_spaces() method, that provides access to observation and action types, set within the environment configuration.

  • A step() method, which executes the commanded action at the policy_frequency and simulate the environment at the simulation_frequency.

Create the world

Initially create a which is a generic container for:

  • Terrain: the base ground geometry

  • Vehicles: dynamic objects, that principally navigate around the world with aircraft dynamics

  • StaticObjects: Ground objects that can be collided into when the aircraft lands

The terrain network is described in … Construction of this should be achieved with MyEnv._make_world() called from MyEnv.reset() to populate the self. world field.

Create the aircraft

Populate the world with aircraft. This should be done with MyEnv._make_aircraft() called from MyEnv.reset() to set the list of aircraft which are either based on:

  1. FlyingVehicle: a kinematic model for the aircraft described in …

  2. AircraftVehicle: a full non-linear parameterized aircraft model described in …

The controlled ego-vehicle is defined by setting self.vehicle, the class depends upon self.action_type. vehicle_class. Other vehicles can be added freely to the list.

Make the environment configurable

To make part of the environment configurable overload the default configuration in default_config() to define new {"config_key": value} pairs with default values. These configurations can then be accessed within the environment implementation self.config["config_key], and once created configured with env.configure({"config_key": other_value}) followed by env.reset().

Register the environment

In flyer_env/envs/, add the following line:


Test the environment

You should now be able to run the environment:

import gymnasium as gym

env = gym.make('my-env-v0')
obs, info = env.reset()
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())


..automodule:: flyer_env.envs.common.abstract
